Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First we had television on which we watched a man land on the moon, and then we had computers on which they created internet and now we have Facebook. Facebook is one of the more popular social networks.

It is my opinion that my time spent on this project would be better spent on Facebook.

First, as the opinion of a teenager means little or nothing to most people, for example in this project my opinion is required but not wanted. Now don’t get me wrong the opinion of a teenager still means nothing on Facebook but it is there whether it is acknowledged or ignored, liked or disliked, it is out there to be heard. An opinion posted on Facebook can be easily read by hundreds of different people not just two. In an instant you are connected to over 400 million people.

Secondly, in my opinion youths that Facebook is targeted at, learn more from their friends and the people around them on facebook then they do in school. In school you learn many important skills for life but in my opinion learning how to understand William Shakespeare and difficult poetry isn’t necessary. It may get you an A in English, but if you don’t learn how to interact with people or how to talk to people you won’t function later in life.

Third of all, Facebook is addictive and can be extremely dangerous. You learn not to trust everyone and not to believe everything you are told. While at the same time you learn to take risks, to let people see who you are and give them a chance to get to know you. All of which are things school doesn’t allow you to do. In school you are all the same just another pupil but that Facebook page is a little insight into the real you.

Lastly, I am not saying that people my age should spend all their time on Facebook it’s unhealthy in my opinion, people need to get out and socialise as well. Facebook is a free and easy way to keep in contact with friends and family.

Therefore in my opinion the time i spent on this project would have been much better spent socialising on Facebook.